This year's open day is nearly upon us. All are welcome and don't forget to invite your friends. There will be homemade refreshments, music and plants for sale!
Spring projects
Early spring brought with it lots of digging. The chilly weather didn't stop us from getting out and planting lots and lots of hedging. Thanks to a grant from CPRE - The Countryside Charity - members of Penge Green Gym were able to plant hundreds of hedgerow whips in Royston Fields which is our neighbouring greenfield site close to Penge High Street. Well done to the team for battling on in the freezing rain and mud!
We have also started to renovate the bog garden area so that the area that is now shaded by the large tree will be filled with logs and plants that are more suited to a dryer, shadier garden. The bog garden is being relined and will be refilled with plants very soon. Watch this space!
If you would like to support the work that Penge Green Gym undertakes at Winsford Gardens and Royston Fields you can now use this QR code and your Paypal account. Just open you Photo app on your phone to view the QR code and it will take you to Paypal.
Easyfundraising is also a great way to support Penge Green Gym. With Easyfundraising every time you shop, a small donation is made to Penge Green Gym. If you would like to help us, go to and sign up. It's totally free and helps us with all forthcoming projects. Many thanks.