This week has seen the coldest temperature in sunny Penge for quite a few years and not only is it extremely cold it is set to last for at least a week. This has meant that much of our work, (which includes digging holes to replace our natural seating area benches) has been put on hold. But it also means that the gardens take on a wonderfully wintery atmosphere which is being enjoyed by the volunteers and visitors. We are happy to make the most of the winter wonderland while it lasts!
A helping hand from Princes Trust volunteers
Last week we had a visit from a group of students from Bromley College who are part of the Princes Trust Programme. They helped us with leaf raking and also went to our sister site at Royston Fields and did a great job clearing the area of litter. They then stopped and had tea with us and gave a talk about all the projects they have been getting involved in. We wish them luck for their future endeavours.
Christmas Lunch
This week sees our volunteering year come to an end and to celebrate we had our annual Christmas lunch hosted at Melvin hall. We had some lovely food and our Chair Brenda gave us a round up of all this years activities. We certainly all left with full tummies!! Thanks to Brenda and Jane for organising the wonderful spread and to Topaz for her wonderful homemade muffins.
And so we look back on a year in which we were able to get back to full strength after the lockdowns and plan projects into the future. This includes the refurbishment of the natural seating area, additions to the children's play area including new stepping logs and a revamp of the bog garden to reflect it's changing surroundings due to large trees growing over it. We look forward to the year ahead. We wish our volunteers and visitors seasons greetings and a very happy new year.
If you would like to support the work that Penge Green Gym undertakes at Winsford Gardens and Royston Fields you can now use this QR code and your Paypal account. Just open you Photo app on your phone to view the QR code and it will take you to Paypal.
Easyfundraising is also a great way to support Penge Green Gym. With Easyfundraising every time you shop, a small donation is made to Penge Green Gym. If you would like to help us, go to and sign up. It's totally free and helps us with all forthcoming projects. Many thanks.