Monday, 18 April 2022

Penge Green Gym Newsletter - Happy Easter from Winsford Gardens


Penge Green Gym Newsletter


Happy Easter from Winsford Gardens

Spring is well under way in the gardens and with all the new growth comes lots of jobs! We had some little helpers arrive from Blue Pear nursery this month.  They often come and play in the park but this time they came with seeds and tools and got to work planting up one of our raised beds.  They come regularly to see if the seeds are coming up.  Fingers crossed we'll see them very soon!  

Our spring display is truly glorious thanks to this year's MPGA grant and bulbs for London.  Each year our display gets more colourful.  

We have been building new bays that will hold wood chip, compost and anything else that we need for coming projects. It is quite the engineering marvel and hopefully will last for years to come.  

And finally, we had to show you this wonderful picture taken by our volunteer Lynda of a pair of Slow Worms warming themselves under a piece of roofing felt that we leave specifically for this purpose.  They are the most wonderful creatures and we are lucky to have them in the gardens. 




If you would like to support the work that Penge Green Gym undertakes at Winsford Gardens and Royston Fields you can now use this QR code and your Paypal account.  Just open you Photo app on your phone to view the QR code and it will take you to Paypal.  



Easyfundraising is also a great way to support Penge Green Gym.  With Easyfundraising every time you shop, a small donation is made to Penge Green Gym.  If you would like to help us, go to and sign up.  It's totally free and helps us with all forthcoming projects.  Many thanks.