Sunday, 18 April 2021

Penge Green Gym Newsletter Spring 2021


Penge Green Gym Newsletter


Spring at Winsford Gardens

After what seemed like a very long, cold winter, spring and an easing of the lockdown has come to Winsford Gardens.  We are still keeping our teams small but we are excited to get back to work.  And spring brings lots of jobs with it

Our rose beds have been weeded and a new layer of compost from our own compost bins has been added to keep the weeds down (hopefully).  The compost bins are now in a poor state so we are starting to repair them.  We are also starting to repair our hazel fences and recently went to a TCV site in South Croydon to collect coppiced hazel.  Many thanks to Peter Underwood at TCV for his help.  We have also cut some willow from Royston Fields to repair our dead hedges.

We have also been creating a border for our gravel garden to define the path.  It was quite a task digging through the clay and sometimes hardcore but we think the result was worth it.  We will be doing the same thing on the other side.

We are also very excited to see frogspawn again in our growing area wildlife pond.  Hopefully we will have lots of tadpoles this summer, watch this space!

We are all very excited to be back in these beautiful gardens and they certainly put on a fantastic display this time of year!  We hope to be able to celebrate our 10th anniversary with everyone this summer but whatever happens we know the gardens will continue to be enjoyed by all who visit.  

Easyfundraising is a great way to support Penge Green Gym.  With Easyfundraising every time you shop, a small donation is made to Penge Green Gym.  If you would like to help us, go to and sign up.  It's totally free and helps us with all forthcoming projects.  Many thanks.