Monday, 9 November 2020

Penge Green Gym Newsletter (November 2020 Extra Edition)


Penge Green Gym Newsletter


Projects to get involved in during lockdown

We have been approached by 2 different organisations who would like to found out about the beneficial effects of gardening and volunteering.  The first is from Peter Moore member of the British Pain Society wanting to interview people on the benefits of gardening especially on people with health conditions (physical or mental).  If you would like to get involved you can contact him at

The second being from Andy Harrod of Lancaster University want to know the long term benefits of attending outdoor activities for people between 15-29. These are the details - 

Group activities in nature and long-term wellbeing is a PhD research project exploring the experiences of people who take part in outdoor group activity programmes and the impact of attending them on their long-term wellbeing.
The aim of this study is to explore the longevity of benefits to participants’ wellbeing from attending outdoor group activity programmes during the ages of 16-29, by considering the impact on their wellbeing at the time and over their life. It is important we develop understanding of the factors at the activities and in people’s lives that support improvements to wellbeing over time and the factors which prevent this from happening as well.
Participants need to have attended:
  • during the ages of 16-29 (can be older now and still attending),
  • at least 5 years ago or if still attending started at least 5 years ago,
  • an adventure, environmental conservation, exercise, farming, or gardening programme.
Taking part involves two activities, producing a timeline representing specific experiences over your life and taking photos of a place you go to for your wellbeing, and two interviews. The activities will take around 15-45 minutes each and the interviews will be between 1-2 hours. The interviews will be by video chat or phone.
Further information about the study and taking part is at I am happy to answer any questions and discuss taking part with you via email,, or phone 01524 594710. Thank you for your consideration, Andy Harrod.

These surveys are completely voluntary and Penge Green Gym is not affiliated with either of these organisations. 

Finally, there is an ongoing consultation from Bromley Council or an extension to the alcohol free zone.  This is open until 27 November if you would like to have your say.   The link is -


Are you thinking of doing some or all of your Christmas shopping online this year? Easyfundraising is a great way to support Penge Green Gym.  With Easyfundraising every time you shop, a small donation is made to Penge Green Gym.  If you would like to help us, go to and sign up.  It's totally free and helps us with all forthcoming projects.  Many thanks.

We'll be back in December!

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Penge Green Gym Newsletter November 2020


Penge Green Gym Newsletter


Green Flags, a new sign


Lockdown 2 (the sequel)

As of this week we have all entered the 2nd lockdown of the year.  We know that the park has been a real sanctuary for locals.  A place for people wanting to get out for exercise and to walk the dog and we hope that everyone can carry on enjoying it into the winter months.

Sadly our normal volunteering sessions have been put on hold for a month, but before that happened we were busy getting the park ready for the winter months, doing many autumn chores such as taking cuttings, tidying raised beds, adding manure to the roses and turning the compost heaps.  We have also been carrying out maintenance on a bench that needs replacing and creating a new leaf mulch area by the woodland path using deadhedges as walls.  This will come in very handy as the leaf drop is now in full swing.


We have also completed and installed our new 'Gravel Garden' sign.  This gives our visitors some information about the gravel garden and Beth Chatto the gardener who inspired it's creation.  

Green Flag 2020
We are excited to announce that we have received a Green Flag for the 6th year in a row. The objective of the Green Flag Award scheme is to encourage the provision of good quality public parks and green spaces that are managed in environmentally sustainable ways. The Green Flag Award helps to create public recognition of good quality green spaces and people’s confidence in them. The Award aspires to raise expectations of what a public green space can offer.  Well done to all the volunteers keeping the park in such fantastic shape.

The park has certainly shown off this autumn, with some spectacular displays of berries and leaves.  It continues to look very colourful (our roses are still going strong too!)  Look out for Cosmos, Sedums, Dogwood and Holly amongst many others.


Are you thinking of doing some or all of your Christmas shopping online this year? Easyfundraising is a great way to support Penge Green Gym.  With Easyfundraising every time you shop, a small donation is made to Penge Green Gym.  If you would like to help us, go to and sign up.  It's totally free and helps us with all forthcoming projects.  Many thanks.

We'll be back in December!