Thursday, 27 August 2020

Penge Green Gym Newsletter August 2020


A warm welcome back to our volunteers at

Winsford Gardens

 It has been nearly 5 months since our last full volunteering session.   It has been a difficult time for many not only due to the immediate effects of the Covid-19 virus but also the 'knock on' effects of social isolation and the mental stress that causes.  We are therefore very excited to finally be returning to our normal sessions on Wednesdays 11am-2pm, (with a few socially distanced changes) which will hopefully help our volunteers reconnect with friends old and new.

As we are 'feeling' our way back to some semblance of normality we will be restricting numbers to 20 volunteers per session.  If you have not been in contact with us for a while and would like to come back then please let us know so we can get an idea of numbers (just drop Brenda an email at  We will be monitoring this weekly.  We will also not be offering refreshments (sorry no biscuits!) but we will have a break for a natter as usual - and of course, you can bring your own refreshments to enjoy at 'break-time'.

We will also be asking you to bring your own gardening gloves (if you have them.  We can provide some but you will be asked to take them home and wash them). We will try and ensure volunteers keep socially-distanced (two metres apart) but will ask you to bring your own face covering in case of any contact closer than two metres. 

Projects at Winsford Gardens

in September

To give you an idea of the jobs we'll be doing this September here is a list.

1.  We will be emptying our leaf mulch bins onto our flower beds to make space for this years leaves.  Which leads onto...

2.  Yes, due to the extremely hot weather this summer the leaves have already started dropping and so we are starting the perennial job of leaf raking early.  

3.  Spreading the remaining woodchip on the beds.

4.  Turning over the compost in the bins to give them a good mix. 

5.  Construction of a new sign for the gravel garden.

If you would like to get involved in any of these jobs please come along and join in!

Notification of AGM

30th September 2020 12 noon

Penge Green Gym/ Friends of Winsford Gardens,  will be holding our annual general meeting on 30th September at 12 noon in the gardens.  Garden Road, Penge SE20 7XW.  All volunteers and other supporters are welcome to attend.  

We look forward to welcoming back some old and possibly new faces.