Sunday, 4 February 2018

Penge Green Gym Newsletter February 2018

Penge Green Gym Newsletter

A Happy New Year for Penge Green Gym thanks to
Waitrose Community Matters

Penge Green Gym has been fortunate to be nominated once more for the Waitrose Community Matters grant scheme.  If you visit Waitrose Beckenham during the month of February please pick up a green token or 2 from the tills and post them into the boxes.  Thank you, every token counts!

Keeping busy in the chilly weather 
We have been busy with projects such as planting new hedgerow whips in our borders.  These are great for creating habitat for the local wildlife such as small birds and mammals. It was lovely to see Peter Hutchings from TCV on the day we planted these.  Many thanks for your help.   We have also been getting on with our new path in the growing area which will help redefine the paths and hopefully help with negotiating the slippery slope with a wheelbarrow down to the wildlife pond and storage areas.

We are slowly starting our new garden area in the old wildflower meadow but ironically as we are started to dig out the new path for a dry gravel garden it became waterlogged!  Hopefully we will get some dryer days in the coming weeks (like the one below) so that we can start to put hardcore and gravel down.