Tuesday, 21 June 2016

4th AGM

Penge Green Gym Newsletter


Dear Penge Green Gym Supporters


We are sending out notification for our next AGM on Wednesday 20th July.
WEDNESDAY 20th 2016, 2.15pm

1. To receive the report from the Chair of the Penge Green Gym Community Group Management Committee for the period since the last Annual General Meeting on 29th July 2015.
2. To receive the report from the Treasurer of the Penge Green Gym Community Group Management Committee for the period since the last Annual General Meeting on 29th July 2015.
3. To elect Management Committee members, officers and leaders as prescribed by the Penge Green Gym Community Group’s constitution.
All current committee members are to resign at this AGM, but are eligible for re-election to the Community Group Management Committee
4. To discuss future programme and projects
5. Any other business
Apologies for absence or nominations for positions on the Management Committee should be submitted to the Secretary, Electra Thompson, prior to the meeting
Electra Thompson
Secretary, Penge Green Gym Community Group Management Committee

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Penge Green Gym Newsletter Early Summer 2016

See what's happening in Penge this week....

Penge Green Gym Newsletter


Dear Penge Green Gym Supporters


Come and enjoy the annual Penge Green Gym Open Day!

It's that time of year again when we prepare the gardens for our open day. We've been busy tidying the gardens, making plans for children's activities, nurturing our seedlings and baking lots of yummy cakes!

Dan has been preparing a demonstration insect hotel with cardboard and bamboo.  Ching, a volunteer from our sister group at Bromley Green Gym will be back again this year to do some more fantastic face painting and balloon animal making.  We also have a new and improved (and slightly trickier) treasure hunt so come and have a go!  We also had an army of volunteers this week and we were able to get lots of tidying done.

Our new volunteer Mary is also excited to be doing the yoga taster session on Sunday.  If you fancy having a go she has suggested you bring a mat if you have one as the grass may be a little damp.

So please come along, bring your friends and family and help us celebrate another great year of volunteering at Winsford Gardens.



The garden is looking particularly lovely at the moment.  The traditional rose bushes are in full display and many other flowers are enjoying the warmer weather.  


Thank You

We wanted to say a big thank you to Waitrose for letting us be a part of their communities matters money raising scheme for May.  Hopefully we'll find out soon how much their customers raised.

Also thank you to The Dorset Road Allotments who have promised the proceeds of this Open Day Raffle to the Penge Green Gym.  






You can still also use Easyfundraising is an easy and free way to support the Penge Green Gym.  When you buy items on the internet from well known shops such as John Lewis and Amazon, you can sign up to Easyfunding and they will donate a percentage to Penge Green Gym.  To sign up, go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/pengegreengym.