Sunday, 4 October 2015

See what's happening in Penge this week....

Penge Green Gym Newsletter


Dear Penge Green Gym Supporters


Working hard on the woodland path

In the last couple of weeks the woodland path has come on a pace with the arrival of subbase and shingle.  This means lots of wheelbarrows to and from the gates where the bags have been dropped off.  The path now looks like a path and with the exception of a couple of metres it's almost there.  Well done to Barry and all his team for all their hard work!



More sad news for our greenhouse

  We never like reporting the vandalism that happens at Winsford Gardens but unfortunately it is a regular and upsetting occurance that doesn't seem to be getting any better.  This time the greenhouse has been burned in one corner making it irrepairable.  Many small cuttings and seedlings in the coldframes were also destroyed in this senseless act.  We are at a loss to understand why anyone would want to do this and will have to now rethink how we use the growing area if we are to continue to propogate our own cuttings and store other items.  


Better News...

The roses that we were bought with funds donated from the MPGA are beginning to bloom and look wonderful in our 3rd rose bed.  We now have plans to reinstate the old 4th rose bed and complete the original formal layout of the gardens.  The coppiced hazel tree has once again been coppiced to give us space to do this. 


We also recently had a visit from a moth enthusiast who wrote down a list of moths he found in the gardens.  Amongst them were the Gatekeeper, Small White, Common Blue, Speckled Woods and the Jersey Tiger Moth which he tells us is unusual in our area. 


You can still also use Easyfundraising is an easy and free way to support the Penge Green Gym.  When you buy items on the internet from well known shops such as John Lewis and Amazon, you can sign up to Easyfunding and they will donate a percentage to Penge Green Gym.  To sign up, go to  
