Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Penge Green Gym Newsletter Late June 2015

See what's happening in Penge this week....

Penge Green Gym Newsletter


Dear Penge Green Gym Supporters


Great day out at the Penge Green Gym Open Day

The sky may have been a little grey but the residents still turned out in force for our annual open day.

The gardens looked spectacular with many roses in full bloom and many people commented on how beautiful it looked.  The smaller residents enjoyed the treasure hunt and having their face painted whilst the parents and other locals enjoyed the plant stall and a cup of tea and a piece of cake.  It was lovely to see the gardens full of people and here their lovely feed back about the work that we are doing here.

Sadly, the night before our open day our greenhouse was vandalised once again with many panels kicked in and plants that we were selling that day scattered on the floor.  Luckily, many of the plants were salvageable and were snapped up by the locals.  The vandalism is an ongoing problem and we are liaising with the local police. 


We are sending out notification for our next AGM on Wednesday 29th July.
WEDNESDAY 29th JULY, 2014, 2.15pm
1. To receive the report from the Chair of the Penge Green Gym Community Group Management Committee for the period since the first Annual General Meeting on 30th July 2014.
2. To receive the report from the Treasurer of the Penge Green Gym Community Group Management Committee for the period since the first Annual General Meeting on 30th July 2014.
3. To elect Management Committee members, officers and leaders as prescribed by the Penge Green Gym Community Group’s constitution.
All current committee members are to resign at this AGM, but are eligible for re-election to the Community Group Management Committee
4. To discuss future programme and projects
5. Any other business
Apologies for absence or nominations for positions on the Management Committee should be submitted to the Secretary, Electra Thompson, prior to the meeting
Electra Thompson
Secretary, Penge Green Gym Community Group Management Committee

You can still also use Easyfundraising is an easy and free way to support the Penge Green Gym.  When you buy items on the internet from well known shops such as John Lewis and Amazon, you can sign up to Easyfunding and they will donate a percentage to Penge Green Gym.  To sign up, go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/pengegreengym.  

Saturday, 13 June 2015

The Gardens of Petersonville: Five Petaled Roses

The Gardens of Petersonville: Five Petaled Roses:   The cool, damp, overcast days we have been having make me glad I have so many simple five petaled roses in the gardens.  I love the...

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Penge Green Gym Newsletter June 2015

See what's happening in Penge this week....

Penge Green Gym Newsletter


Dear Penge Green Gym Supporters


Come to our Open Day!

Yes, it's that time of year again when Penge Green Gym works extra hard to make Winsford Gardens look it's best for our annual open day in conjunction with the Open Gardens Squares Weekend and the Penge Festival.  This year it is on a Sunday and we will be having lots of activities for children including a treasure hunt and painting activities and they can even have face painted too!  Thanks to a good spring we also have a large stock of plants that we will be selling and to relax you there will be a taster Tai Chi session.  So come along, and bring your family and friends to enjoy a lovely day out.  The full poster is at the bottom of the newsletter.  We'd also like to thank the Landscape Group for helping us to get ready by mowing and strimming the lawns.  It is looking very smart!

CEB Global Impact Volunteering Day

We had a fantastic day when members of CEB came to help us repair our hazel fence that surrounds the wildflower meadows.  The enthusiastic team quickly repaired the woven fence and then carried on the good work by planting out the raised vegetable beds, clipped hedges and helped to dig our new woodland path.  Lots of fun was had by all and we thank you all for your hard work!


In Other News

Some of the members of the Penge Green Gym went to our sister gym at Bromley to help them celebrate their first day as an independent group.  Members of TCV and Bromley council were there to offer their support and welcome the new group.  We were given a guided tour around the park at College Green and the volunteers supplied a wonderful buffet.  We wish Bromley the best of luck for the future.

Meanwhile in Winsford Gardens, we are on the cusp of summer and the park is looking beautiful.  Many of the roses are now blooming and our work planting perenials during the autumn and winter are now really thriving.

Our greenhouse is also full of plants that will be sold on our Open Day, and any not sold will be planted out.


You can still also use Easyfundraising is an easy and free way to support the Penge Green Gym.  When you buy items on the internet from well known shops such as John Lewis and Amazon, you can sign up to Easyfunding and they will donate a percentage to Penge Green Gym.  To sign up, go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/pengegreengym.  You can also help by downloading the easfundraising christmas pack and print of posters and flyers and add our name.