Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Penge Green Gym Newsletter December 2014

See what's happening in Penge this week....

Penge Green Gym Newsletter


Dear Penge Green Gym Supporters


Seasons greetings from Winsford Gardens

Winter is in full swing and the temperatures have dipped accordingly.  Our last couple of sessions before Christmas turned out to be very busy ones as were unexpectedly offered a variety of bulbs from the MPGA under their 'bulbs for London' initiative.  In all we recieved nearly 700 bulbs, including Alliums, Hyacinths, Narcissi and Daffodils.  All the bulbs were kindly donated by Taylors.

The urban orchard became a patchwork of square holes as we peeled back the turf and planted the bulbs.  It was back-breaking work but hopefully worth it when they pop up the springtime!
Shop at Waitrose Beckenham in January!!

We have been chosen by Waitrose for the second time to be part of their 'good causes' campaign in January.  So hopefully you will remember from last time that you can pick up the green tokens at the check-out and put them in the relevant perspex box.  A little trick is if you don't have much shopping you can go to the self service check out and they have pots of the tokens where you can take as many as you like.  The more tokens we get the more money they will give us. So happy shopping!

Other Work at Winsford 

Amongst all the hard work we managed to have our Christmas BBQ which we all very much enjoyed, especially the mulled wine and burgers!

We also completed the 3rd bench at the Garden Road entrance of the garden.  We will all enjoy having somewhere to sit when we have our tea and hopefully the public will make use of it too!

One of our volunteers took a course in fruit tree pruning and so our urban orchard had it's first pruning which will make the trees (pear, quince, plum etc) strong and healthy for the spring.

We have also pruned back many of the unrulier plants and generally given the bushes a good short, back and sides which also had the added bonus of giving us more space in the borders to plant bulbs.

Looking forward to 2015

Our first day back will be Wednesday 7th January.

The committee has been busy submitting entries to a number of award schemes including Keep Britain Tidy Diamond Jubilee Partnership Award; City of London Growing Localities award scheme; and planning to submit an entry to Green Flag Community Award in the new year.  

All of these awards will help to bring to fruition projects that we are planning for the new year. They include a woodland walk behind the wildflower meadows and new composting bays in the growing area.

We still wait to hear from the council whether we will lose a section of the growing area to the next door development.  If we don't then we can proceed with plans for a composting toilet.


You can still also use Easyfundraising is an easy and free way to support the Penge Green Gym.  When you buy items on the internet from well known shops such as John Lewis and Amazon, you can sign up to Easyfunding and they will donate a percentage to Penge Green Gym.  To sign up, go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/pengegreengym.  You can also help by downloading the easfundraising christmas pack and print of posters and flyers and add our name.